Monday, September 8, 2014

I have never seen the NAACP in my ghetto

“I have never seen the NAACP in my ghetto,

have you ever seen the NAACP in yours?"

Ninety five percent of the people who answered this question replied.

If you want to make true love to me

If you want to make true love to me, take this paper and fill up the white space in-between the blue lines. 

- Delano Johnson

From the book, Words that Changed the World!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Divided and Murdered

“The ghetto has weakened, divided, and murdered so many of our African American men and women.”

From the book, Words that Changed the World!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

ho’s and B****’s are virtuous titles.

“Beautiful princesses and beautiful, strong queens are brainwashed into thinking ho’s and B****’s are virtuous titles.”

From the book, Words that Changed the World!