Friday, December 18, 2015

Poetry has always been there to comfort, entertain, uplift, inspire,... encourage, motivate, heal, influence, and create change.

It probably comes as no surprise that Realistic Poetry International supports and endorses inspiring poetry, but more than the poetry itself, the appreciation is well due to all of the talented and inspiring poets that dedicate the necessary and required time and imagination to create ingenious work! Poets are and have always been a significant aspect to all of our lives, subliminally and in a renown manner.
Poetry has always been there to comfort, entertain, uplift, inspire,... encourage, motivate, heal, influence, and create change. There is no limit to poetry's impact on the world and peoples lives.
Every poem resembles a realistic reflection of the brilliant psyche & mind possessed by every writer, whether for bad or good. The words composed are famous to the heart that wrote them and took the initiative to bring them to life. Poets have always produced a powerful and prominent society of profound writers. Realistic Poetry would like to honor and show respect to all of the word creators flourishing throughout the earth! We would like to take a moment to specially thank all of the poets who choose to inspire great things for others and also themselves through their poetry testimonies while using their words to share stories, emotions, pain, joy, happiness, adversity, faith, honesty, fantasy, and most of all, love. Because one thing is for sure, we all have the ability to visualize, verbalize, and most of all, write the state of mind that we personally live in……it’s the very factor that makes us individually unique!
If you would like to become a feature and share some important and relative details about your poetry journey, please send us an email at realistic and we will be more than happy to share your poetry and your poetic saga! Cheers and thank you to all of you GREAT POETS!

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